John Kasianowicz The 5th Prato Conference on Pore Forming Proteins 2021

John Kasianowicz

Dr. Kasianowicz's research was the basis for a variety of cutting edge basic research methods and technologies, which include two nanopore-based single molecule DNA sequencing technologies single molecule characterization, quantification, and identification, discriminating between individual molecules based on their size and charge adsorbed to them, elucidating the mechanisms of anthrax toxin action, single molecule thermodynamics and kinetics, and a novel method for membrane protein structure determination His work led to new funding initiatives by the NIH, DARPA, the NSF, and IARPA He is a co-inventor on 8 patents (6 issued, 2 pending) and his contributions to basic science and technology were recognized with several awards and honors, including the US Dept. of Commerce Silver Medal and a Fellow of the American Physical Society’s Division of Biological Physics John has authored or co-authored 90 publications that have been cited nearly 13,000 times (Google Scholar), and has given over 240 invited lectures, seminars, & contributed papers (including 5 keynote and 24 plenary lectures) at conferences and institutions world-wide.

Abstracts this author is presenting: