Giovanni Maglia The 5th Prato Conference on Pore Forming Proteins 2021

Giovanni Maglia

Prof. Giovanni Maglia studied chemistry at the University of Bologna, Italy received his PhD in chemical biology at the University of Birmingham (2004), UK and continued his studies in biop hysics at the Universities of Leuven, BE and Oxford, UK. Maglia’s post-doctoral work crucially contributed to the commercialisation of DNA sequencing with nanopore. As independent researcher Maglia’s group has pioneered the use of biological nanopores as molecular machine and the study the function of single-enzyme with nanopores, i.e. nanopore enzymology. His research is at the interface of chemistry, biology and physics and is centred on the understanding and manipulation of protein function and structure. Maglia’s group has applied new methodologies in the nanopore field, allowing the isolation of nanopores with different size, properties and functions.

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